La Promesa

¿Información sobre los personajes de la serie La Promesa? Alonso Mendoza, marqués de Luján (Manuel Regueiro)

Alonso was devastated after the death of his first wife whom he loved so much, Carmen. To fill the void, he married Cruz, the perfect woman. But too much perfection is exhausting and although their relationship is not bad, it lacks the flame of love. You could say that Cruz is the opposite of Carmen; while Alonso’s first wife was adventurous and well-traveled, Cruz wants to have everything tied up and sees no need to leave La Promesa. So Alonso is now, without realizing it, a prisoner in his own home. The Marquis is a fair, affable and attentive man. He likes to keep abreast of all things happening in the Marquisate and in the capital of the Kingdom. He is a bold man for business, even if that also brings him a lot of trouble. He is aware of the changes taking place in society and fears that if the nobility does not know how to adapt it is doomed to disappear, which always brings him arguments with Cruz.



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